Monday, January 11, 2021

The House of the Red Duke Book One: A Phoenix Rising: LOVE & WAR AT THE CANDLELIT COURTS! By Vivienne Brereton #BookReview #HistoricalFiction #Tudors @VivienneBreret1


The House of the Red Duke Book One: 

A Phoenix Rising:


By Vivienne Brereton

Be dazzled by the dancing, drama and display in Tudor England, Stewart Scotland, Valois France, and The Habsburg Empire.

Heady places of power, intrigue and lovers’ trysts. Where plans are equally likely to be drawn up for a bloody war, as for an extraordinary event such as the fabled 1520 Field of Cloth of Gold.

Meet Thomas Howard. Soldier. Statesman. Courtier. Head of one of the most powerful families in England. A phoenix rising from the ashes at the magnificent court of Henry VIII.

“If I have anything to do with it, we Howards will live forever.”

After a calamitous period of disgrace, Thomas’s family is once more riding high at court due to his intelligence and perseverance, and the part played by his middle son, Edward, a royal favourite known for his good looks, swagger and charm.

Thomas is a keeper of secrets on both sides of the Narrow Sea separating England from France. Mystery swirls around the lives of Tristan, Cecily,
Valentine, and Nicolas.

But there are no secrets that time does not reveal….

You would think that surviving six very different kings would be something of an achievement in itself. But no, Thomas Howard was determined to bring more glory and riches to his House. The only problem was old Tom Wolsley annoyingly had the ear of the king. And things never go exactly the way you had planned them.

First off, there are recipes in this book, and it isn't a recipe book, it's historical fiction. Recipes such as Thomas Wolsey's Hyppocras (which included two bottles of red wine - I like his thinking)! and La Colombe Cameline Sauce. No, I kid you not, there are recipes, I did not make this up. It is indeed a novel idea to include recipes and one that I have not come across before.

Secondly, there is a huge cast of characters, and I mean huge. If you don't know your Tudors from your Stuarts and your Habsburg from your Valois, then you may want a pen and pencil close at hand because although the author has included an extensive cast list at the beginning of the book, I loath having to flip back through the pages to find out who everyone is.  So, my notebook is filled with my scribbles - it looks a little like an elaborate family tree, only it isn't my family, I am pretty sure I don't have any Tudors hiding in my closet. Umm...?!

The story itself was fabulously delicious, much like some of those recipes, especially the ones that include wine. It is packed to bursting with over-inflated egos,  and those desperate to do anything to gain position and power. It also takes the reader on an intimate journey of discovery of Henry VIII early years.

There are several viewpoints in this novel, but I have to admit, my favourite was Thomas Howards. Although I am not sure he meant to, he really did amuse me, especially with his spats with Thomas Wolsey (the Snake). Thomas Howard may be old, but he is not quite ready to be put out to pasture. I think he was by far my favourite character in this novel as he was just so pig-headed and determined to see his family rise in station. He is the phoenix determined to rise again.

I thought this was a really well-crafted novel, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Now, where did I put those bottles of wine, I have a Hyppocras to make! If it is good enough for Wolsey it is good enough for me!

I was kindly given a copy of this book by the author but you can find your copy over on Amazon.

Vivienne Brereton

Born in historic Winchester, England, Vivienne has been passionate about the Tudors for as long as she can remember. This led to a degree in Medieval History and a growing desire to write a historical novel. Words have always played an important part in her life, whether writing, editing, teaching English, or just picking up a good book.

In preparation for her Tudor series, she did an enormous amount of research: reading, visiting historic buildings, art galleries, with the odd joust or two thrown in! She even mastered several Tudor recipes which are included in her novel. Seeing 'A Phoenix Rising', Book One of 'The House of the Red Duke' in print for the first time was a moment of great joy for her. She hopes that anyone reading it will enjoy the end result as much as she enjoyed writing it.

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